This isn't the greatest picture in the world, but it'll have to do. I started this while on vacation a few weeks ago (more about that sometime soon) and just finished it last night. This is the Moderne Baby Blanket from Mason Dixon Knitting. I used Bernat Satin as i just can't do anything that's NOT washable & dryable for a baby. Anyway, this is for my cousin who's expecting her first baby in August. They aren't finding out if they're having a boy or girl, so everything they're getting from me is going to revolve around this color scheme.
All in all, I have to say I really like how this turned out. The colors are some of my favorites & that Bernat Satin is just so soft. I don't know the exact size, but it should be crib size or close to it. Now, I just have to finish the bibs & burp clothes that I'm making to go with this. I'm still trying to decide if I want to knit up a quick hat &/or sweater to go along with it, but the juries still out on that. Anyway, that's going to do it for now.