What's that you say?
It's finally some real knitting content? Yeah, I know. I suck at keeping my blog up to date.
Anywho...here's some real knitting that I've actually been working on.
First up, we have the completed Sockapalooza 4 socks. I have to say, I had a LOT of trouble finding the right pattern, but I'm so glad I did these. They were fun to knit & I love how they turned out. The pattern is Eleanor from Socktopia and I used Opal solids in pink. The only change I made was to change the heel to a slipped stitch instead of plain knit. The plain knit didn't seem sturdy enough.
Next we have Fawkes, also from Socktopia. This was started in honor of the release of the last Harry Potter book. Unfortunatley it's been put on hold until I can get a couple of other projects finished. I'm using the most recent STR Club yarn. It's called Firebird & I LOVE IT!!

Lastly we have my loot from last night's Stitch 'N Pitch. This is the first time I've been and I had a lot of fun, although I couldn't tell you what happened during the game. All I know is that the Mariners seem to have a lot of players named Jose. Anyway, from left to right we have some lovely sock yarn by Pagewood Farm in Crayon, next is the fabulous Duet Sock Yarn in Powder Puff; I can't wait to see how it knits up. Last but definitly not least I scored what I really wanted...STR from Churchmouse Yarn & Tea. To be honest, this was the one thing that I went there for specifically last night. I had no idea if Churchmouse would be there, but I was hoping. First we have Calico which I think is one of their newer colors. Then that blue loveliness is Moonstone...to die for. And finally...the color that me & Sockergirl have been searching for for months...Lemongrass. It's even nicer in real life. Although...I'm a blue girl to my bones so I have to say I love Moonstone a little more but Lemongrass is really yummy and I can't wait to use all of them.
Now, next on the list are my State Fair socks which need to be finished and ready to turn in on August 11th. I'm still holding out hope that I can finish them, but we'll see. Here's a picture of where they are right now.

Yum! Lemon grass. Good find my friend. I am thinking maybe doing the falling leaves pattern with them, what do you think?
And they're here! and I love them! They fit perfectly. Thank you!!!! I love pink, and have a lot of pink, but no pink socks, so the color is also perfect.
Thank you for all the other goodies as well... the frog and the stitch marker are my faves, so cute! I will have to fight to keep them for myself, my daughter loves them too.
Funny you are from the Seattle area my MIL lives in Bremerton. Maybe we can meet up when I'm out for a visit sometime! Send me a note at socknitr@yahoo.com.
Karen in PA
whoops, I messed up. It's sockknitr@yahoo.com. Shows you how much I use that address.
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