
Admitting you have a problem is the first step
Posted by
7:35 PM
From the fugly files of Knit 1 I give you their Fingerlettes pattern.
Really? The world needs this? Who in gods name is going to make fingertip covers????
Posted by
7:45 AM
Posted by
7:07 AM
It's finally some real knitting content? Yeah, I know. I suck at keeping my blog up to date.
Posted by
3:20 PM
I would like to give a big kiss to whoever it was that came up with the portable air conditioning unit. It is currently #1 in my heart.
Living in the Puget Sound area we don't get a lot of really hot weather. So, because of that, not many people have air conditioning. For the most part it's not an issue, BUT, occassionally it does get HOT here & when that happens everyone gets miserable...and cranky. Currently we're in the middle of a heat wave. Yesterday it was 90 something and today will be near 100 if not 100. Keep in AC. BUT, I'm prepared this year. After spending a miserable summer last year in a 3rd floor aparment with a Western exposure, i wised up this year & got said portable air conditioner. Now, it doesn't cool the entire apartment, but with the bathroom closed & the hallway blocked by a sheet, it does cool off my bedroom & my roommate's bedroom. Good enough, i say! LONG LIVE AIR CONDITIONING!! Stay cool Seattle, next week should be back to normal.
Posted by
1:10 PM
I just don't understand all the craziness about the iPhone. I guess it all comes down to Apple having the greatest marketing team ever. Everything I've read about this makes me want one about as much as an iPod...I have a Zen Photo, by the way. Guess I'm just not one of the cool kids that'll be wasting 1/2 a paycheck on this & the phone service.
Posted by
8:53 AM
So, while visiting my brother & sister-in-law a few weeks ago my sis-in-law & I hit a couple of yarn stores. While we were at one I told her that I'd be happy to make her a pair of socks, if she wanted me to. I had just delivered my brothers finished socks to him...anyway, she was interested & we were looking at the Panda Cotton, so we both got some. She chose some in College Prep which has purple, gold & bugundy in it. So, when i finally got home, I started trying to find a good pattern to use for them. I finally decided to give Cookie's Monkey socks a try. They aren't the best choice with this yarn, but I think she'll like them. Now I just have to get the other one started. =)
Posted by
5:49 PM
This isn't the greatest picture in the world, but it'll have to do. I started this while on vacation a few weeks ago (more about that sometime soon) and just finished it last night. This is the Moderne Baby Blanket from Mason Dixon Knitting. I used Bernat Satin as i just can't do anything that's NOT washable & dryable for a baby. Anyway, this is for my cousin who's expecting her first baby in August. They aren't finding out if they're having a boy or girl, so everything they're getting from me is going to revolve around this color scheme.
All in all, I have to say I really like how this turned out. The colors are some of my favorites & that Bernat Satin is just so soft. I don't know the exact size, but it should be crib size or close to it. Now, I just have to finish the bibs & burp clothes that I'm making to go with this. I'm still trying to decide if I want to knit up a quick hat &/or sweater to go along with it, but the juries still out on that. Anyway, that's going to do it for now.
Posted by
8:03 AM
And it's all because of some great news I got after work yesterday...
No, that's not my test, but it does belong to someone close to me.
YUP! It's official, I'm going to be an AUNTIE!!!!
I'm very excited about this news, maybe more so than my brother & sister-in-law. I've wanted to be an auntie for so long, and while my friends' kids are great, it's just not the same thing. Honestly, I don't think any of the rest of the family thought they were even interested in having kids, so this was a very pleasant surprise. I think it's going to take Mom a lot of getting used to. She REALLY never thought she was going to be a Grandma...
So...uh...yeah, knitting content to come soon. I have 1 pair of socks done & waiting for pictures & should have another pair done tonight...must find camera
Auntie D
Posted by
7:40 AM
hmmm...the camera appears to be having issues. This picture looks really blurry.
The next pattern comes out on Friday...Round 6. It's looking to be some kind of stranded pattern which should be fun. Of course, true to form, I don't have any yarn picked out. I like to see the pattern before deciding on what I'm going to use. Maybe I'll check out one of the yarn stores tomorrow night to see if there's anything I just have to have for this round.
Posted by
6:22 PM
I decided to do them in Vesper Self-Striping yarn in Neopolitan. It's some of the softest yarn I've ever made socks with. They definitely make me want some neopolitan ice cream, too!
Well, off to start working on sock #2.
Posted by
8:06 PM
Just one more thing in a list of things going wrong right now. I wanted to post my completed Mad Weave socks for the last round of Sock Madness, but I can't find the pictures when i connect the memory card from my, no pictures until I find the socks again. =(
It also means there won't be any pictures of what I got this weekend. Sockergirl & I took advantage of the free bus rides on Sunday for Earth Day & went downtown. From there we caught a ferry to Bainbridge Island. We had some coffee then wandered over to Churchmouse Yarn & Tea. Spent a while there & I came home with some STR in Fire on the Mountain & Mudslide. I will get pictures up soon, I hope. We then hit this really great ice cream shop & had the best milkshakes. I had coconut & raspberry while Sockergirl had chocolate mint. yummy!!
I have more to talk about, but I'm being really lazy because I don't want to link to anything I'd be talking about. So, more to come soon.
Posted by
5:35 PM
I just finished & i have to say that I really like these. Now to figure out what pattern to do next.
Posted by
5:49 PM
I have to say that I'm really liking the pattern & how it looks. I was hoping to have them done in time to wear for Easter, today. They're pastel, so they seemed perfect.
A few of us also hit a few yarn stores on Saturday. One of them was having a sale and I did a bit of damage there. I'll go over that tomorrow & post some pic's of what i got.
Posted by
5:44 PM